Wednesday, 23 September 2015
Greece: Statement in solidarity with Evi Statiri by imprisoned N17 member Dimitris Koufodinas
Five months ago after a hunger strike by political prisoners, a law was passed abolishing Type 'C' prisons. However, the 'C' type detention regime remains essentially the same for us. The exception regime remains, the separation remains as does the special treatment against political prisoners.
The vindictiveness of the state remains against those who dynamically questioned the armed monopoly of state violence. And now the vindictiveness is extended by fascist cowards towards the relatives and personal relationships of political prisoners. The power restores once again the old practice of hostage.
It exiles Athena Tsakalou and prohibits her from visiting her children. It keeps Evi Statiri, the life partner of an imprisoned member of CCF, in prison for six months violating laws and even the recommendations of the prosecutor.
And so it is proven once again that the state of emergency remains as a key prerequisite for implementation of the atrocious new memorandum, by applying a 'sensitive' hand to the observance of the rights of the 'left.'
Evi Statiri is currently on the ninth day of hunger strike. Armed only with her body - physically weak but movingly spirited - it is obvious she is not just fighting for her own release. Her struggle is another small piece in a much larger, older struggle that reminds us all of what is taking place today, that all the rights currently under attack by capital were won through struggles that had their cost in blood, pain and tears.
This is why solidarity should be given generously by all those who consider themselves to be fighters.
Dimitris Koufodinas
Special Wing of Korydallos Prison
(via Athens IMC)