Wednesday, 23 September 2015
Greece: Prisoners refuse to enter cells in solidarity with Evi Statiri
Since the 14th of September our imprisoned comrade Evi Statiri has been on a hunger strike to demand her immediate release.
Evi is held in prison without any incriminating evidence in existence to support the ridiculous indictment against her.
The real reason behind her prosecution is that she has chosen to be the partner of one of our fellow inmates and member of CCF, Gerasimos Tsakolos.
The targeting of relatives is a vindictive act of power that aims to subjugate and emotionally blackmail prisoners who remain rebellious and dangerous to the orderly functioning of the prison.
The amendment passed by the former Justice minister Nikos Paraskevopoulos turned out to be a scrap of paper that had the sole aim of tricking the hunger strikers who had reached the brink of death. After many months it remains provocatively unapplied.
The struggle to stop the criminalization of relatives and partners of prisoners is a common struggle that affects all detainees. This is why today in a show of solidarity with Evi Statiri we refused to enter our cells at midday.
Freedom to Evi Statiri
- Prisoners from Domokos and Trikala prisons
Note: A similar midday mobilization was initiated by prisoners in A and D wing of Korydallos prison.
(via Athens IMC)