Thursday, 1 October 2015

Greece: Message from Evi Statiri on day 18 of her hunger strike

The hours in the room of the hospital where I am imprisoned pass slowly and I feel my body growing wearier day by day...more so as I hear the results of medical examinations that are continuously getting worse.

Yesterday afternoon for 2 hours this declining course of my body stopped, when all the comrades who were gathered under my window filled me with strength.

With freedom in our sights, let's move forward guided by dignity.

Until victory...

PS1: A warm embrace to my hunger striking partner Gerasimos Tsakolos standing in solidarity by my side.

PS2: I send greetings to all of the solidarity movements that have done so much here in Greece and overseas. Comrades you give me strength.

PS3: Fighting greetings to all the prisoners in this country that have disturbed the miserable daily routine to stand in solidarity and fight with me.

Evi Statiri

Nikaia General Hospital

18th day of hunger strike

(via Athens IMC)

Photo: Anarchists gathering in solidarity outside the 'prisoner's room' of Nikaia General Hospital where Evi Statiti is currently imprisoned.